Tuesday, October 9, 2007

#9 Finding feeds

As soon as a I set up my bloglines account I found myself checking websites for the RSS symbol that would indicate possible feeds to subscribe to. I subscribed to some feeds from the ABC website after browsing through their many possibilities. Already I've noticed that some seem to be updated much more frequently than others. I found a couple more feeds that interested me by viewing bloglines 200 most popular feeds list. One of these was BBC world news, which I quickly unsubscribed from when I found more than 120 items awaiting my attention after a weekend. I've just subscribed to a couple of feeds from The Age website but I don't know how long that will last either. I like reading the paper while I eat breakfast. Although I could use my laptop to check my bloglines account in the morning it's just not the same as flicking through the paper and I couldn't find feeds for some of my favourite supplements like Epicure (not to mention the fact that coffee spills might have more serious consequences for a laptop than for a newspaper). I had a quick look at a couple of the suggested search tools such as Feedster and Technorati, but by this stage I'd already subscribed to more than 20 feeds on a range of topics and didn't feel inclined to increase my reading load. I might go back to these tools if I get bored with my current feeds and want to find some new ones.

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